Vision and mission

Dynamic changes in the global environment have consequences for complex changes in various aspects of life. As an educational institution, the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga cannot escape the demands of these changes. Therefore, the role of the educational process is the main key to creating a continuous improvement process. Thus, this provides a logical consequence for the commitment to carry out a sustainable education process.

Based on the above background and based on a sense of responsibility to participate in advancing accounting education in Indonesia, the Accounting Department of Universitas Airlangga sets its vision and mission as the basic pillars and the main foothold in future development.


To be a center of high quality and internationally recognized science for education, teaching, research and community service.


Providing educational services in the field of accounting to produce quality graduates for diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate, both masters and doctoral levels;
Carry out relevant basic and applied research in accounting;
Develop supporting facilities in the fields of education, teaching, and research;
Contribute well-developed knowledge and expertise in accounting by fully supporting academic staff in conducting and disseminating research; and
Provide professional practice of accounting as part of community service.

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