Joint Seminar Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Airlangga - KULeuven



Dear everyone,

Department of Accounting Universitas Airlangga and KULeuven organize an online seminar on Wednesday February 8th 2023 from 10 - 12 AM Belgian Time (4 - 6 PM Surabayan Time). The students will give a presentation of 10 minutes, 10 minutes discussion and 10 minutes for questions from the audience.  

The seminar is online via MS Teams


Part I: Presentation of papers

10 AM – 10.30 AM (4 PM – 4.30 PM Surabayan Time): Commitment and Responsibilities of Government Auditors in Detecting Fraud: The Role of Religiosity’ Ni Nyoman Sri Rahayu Damayanti, Dian Agustia

Presenter: Ni Nyoman Sri Rahayu Damayanti (Universitas Airlangga)

Discussant: Simon Dekeyser (KU Leuven)


10.30 AM – 11.00 AM (4.30 PM – 5 PM Surabayan Time): ‘Do Sustainability and Corporate Governance Encourage Financial Performance of Indonesian Firms?Arumega Zarefar, Dian Agustia, Noorlailie Soewarno

Presenter: Arumega Zarefar (Universitas Airlangga)

Discussant: Steven Vanhaverbeke (KU Leuven)

11 AM – 11.30 AM (5 PM – 5.30 PM Surabayan Time): ‘The intention of SME to use accounting software in the post pandemic Covid-19’ Mirza Maulinarhadi, Heru Tjaraka, Ardianto

Presenter: Mirza Maulinarhadi (Universitas Airlangga)

Discussant: Ines Simac (KU Leuven)


Part II: Publication process

11.30 AM – 12 AM (5.30 PM - 6 PM Surabayan Time): How to deal with reviewer comments by Prof. Ann Gaeremynck (KU Leuven)

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