Guest Lecture Series #4: Understanding Risk Debates Through Mary Douglas by Philip Linsley - Professor of Accounting and Risk Management, University of York, UK | Monday, 14 June 2021 | 3.30-05.00 pm (GMT+7)

  • By Admin Akuntansi
  • In Event
  • Posted 09 Jun 2021

Department of Accounting Universitas Airlangga Proudly Presents Guest Lecture Series #4: Understanding Risk Debates Through Mary Douglas

Speaker: Philip Linsley - Professor of Accounting and Risk Management, University of York, UK
Moderator: Dr. La Ode Sabaruddin - Lecturer of Accounting Universitas Airlangga

Date/Time: Monday, 14 June 2021 | 3.30 - 5.00 p.m (Indonesian Western Time)
Venue: Zoom and Youtube
Registration Link: http//
CP: 085707559788 or 081335199218

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