Asian Journal of Accounting Research (AJAR) International Virtual Conference 2022

Asian Journal of Accounting Research (AJAR) International Virtual Conference 2022


We are honored to invite you to be the speaker/participant at the Asian Journal of Accounting Research (AJAR) International Virtual Conference 2022. AJAR is a double anonymous peer-reviewed journal on accounting and finance in developing countries, that published three times a year and indexed in Q2 Scopus.

AJAR International Virtual Conference 2022 collaborates with Airlangga University, Indonesia and Ahlia University, Bahrain, with the special theme "Impact of COVID-19 on Accounting and Finance" to gather leading academicians, scholars, and researchers to share their knowledge and new ideas. All accepted papers will be published in AJAR special issue. Therefore, we invite you to attend this conference by the following:

Date : November 17th 2022
Time : 12:00 PM Western Indonesian Time (GMT+7)
Location: Online via Zoom (the link will be notified later)


To join as a speaker, please submit your article through the Scholar One submission system here:
To join as a participant, please fill out the registration form:


For more information:
Contact us:
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WhatsApp Image 2021 12 20 at 20.10.59


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